Mukudzei Muzondo
Mukudzei Muzondo was born in 1983 in Kwekwe, Zimbabwe and currently he lives and works in Harare. He completed his studies at Peter Birch School of Art. At the National Gallery of Zimbabwe he was selected to be an artist in Residency. He advanced his art studies graduating in Fine Art at Harare Polytechnic College. Mukudzei Muzondo has participated in various solo and group exhibitions, international workshops and art residences.
As an up – and – coming mixed media artist, Mukudzei Muzondo devotes himself to investigating the historical and contemporary contexts, questioning the human condition in urban society. Through experimentation with various objects using different mediums from screenprint to assemblages, his artworks generate an analysis on the human existence in societal and political spaces. Also highlighting the contemporary inquiries on identity and belonging, his artworks are an introspection based on the narrative of the body and life defined through experiences. They are constantly attempting to give form and meaning in articulating the State of Being.
His works are present in private collections: South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, USA, Germany and France.
Permanent works on display: National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare and FBC (Bank) headquarters, Harare
Selected Exhibitions
2019 Allegories of Thoughts, Artillery Tribal and Contemporary Art, Harare Zimbabwe
2018 Thupelo International Artists Workshop Exhibition, Greatmore Studios Cape Town, South Africa
2018 Resurrection, Group Exhibition, Artillery Tribal and Contemporary Art, Harare Zimbabwe
2017 African Voices: Confronting the Frontiers of Reality
Being, solo exhibition, Amanzi Contemporary, Harare
Zimbabwe Annual Exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe
2016 Matarenda, group exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare
Beyond the Body, group exhibition, Tsoko Gallery
Annual exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe
2011 Group exhibition EU Continental dialogues, National Gallery of Zimbabwe
Group exhibition HIFA Beyond Borders, National Gallery of Zimbabwe
Two man exhibition ZIMAGES, Zimbabwe German Society
2010 Group exhibition Drawins n graphics, Delta Gallery, Zimbabwe
Group exhibition, Facet, Zimbabwe Now, Delta Gallery, Zimbabwe
Group exhibition Activism against gender violence
Group exhibition Audacity of Hope, National Gallery of Zimbabwe
2009 Doula, Durban, Harare via Cape – Greatmore Studios, Cape Town, South Africa
WATI CHII? Group exhibition, HIFA, 2009
Group exhibition Unity, Delta Gallery, Zimbabwe
Group exhibition Cottco, National Gallery Zimbabwe
Group exhibition Walls, Delta Gallery, Zimbabwe
2008 Patsime Art Festival, AIDS AWARENESS, Harare
Group exhibition, Delta Gallery, Zimbabwe
Group Exhibition, Cardboard print, Dzimbanhete Art Interaction Centre, Zimbabwe
2007 Two man Exhibition Artist in Residence, National Gallery of Zimbabwe
COMESA Exhibition, Lusaka, Zambia
Group exhibition Mutare, National Gallery Zimbabwe
Expressions Zimbabwe, University of Avignon, France
2006 Final Year Exhibition, National Gallery Zimbabwe
Art for Hope, US Embassy, Zimbabwe
2005 Final Year Exhibition, National Gallery Zimbabwe
Residences & Workshops
Ophans Bulawayo Workshop with Aina Arts based at Harvard University
Art Sense Workshop HIFA 2006
Cardboard Print Workshop, Dzimbanhete Arts Interactions, Zimbabwe
3-D Graphite Workshop, HIFA 2009, National Gallery of Zimbabwe
Visiting Artist Residence Programme at Greatmore Studios, Cape Town, South Africa, 2009
AtWork Lettera 27 Workshop, 2017 National Gallery of Zimbabwe
Thupelo International Artists Workshop Exhibition, Greatmore Studios Cape Town, 2018
Second Prize, Drawing an Graphics category, Delta Gallery, Harare Zimbabwe
Second Prize, Painting category, Cottco, Natoinal Gallery of Zimbabwe
Second Prize, Drawing and Graphics category, Delta Gallery