Catalogo_In deep

In deep – la profondità dello sguardo
Magazzino 26 – Porto Vecchio of Trieste
Manuela Sedmach, Paolo Cervi Kervischer, Luigi Tolotti
Curated by Valerio Dehò
1 August – 12 September 2021

The exhibition “In deep – la profondità dello sguardo” realized by Zerial Art Project in coorganization
with the Culture Department of the Municipality of Trieste in Magazzino 26, from 1
August to 12 September, curated by Valerio Dehò, presents a selection of works by Manuela
Sedmach from 2005 to today, works by Paolo Cervi Kervischer exhibited in the 1980s in Austria
between Graz and Klagenfurt, and light boxes multimedia by Luigi Tolotti.
The idea that unites the three artists is the search for a depth in their work that acts as a search
engine and technical language. Going to the bottom of things and looks is understanding that every
surface hides a universe. That there is always something behind the mirror. The artists from Trieste,
all with experience and proven professionalism, while using different and original languages, are
always driven by the desire to go beyond the threshold, to attribute to the images they create or
compose a provisional point of arrival. They are always looking for something that cannot yet be
seen, but can be guessed. Two painters and a multimedia artist thus find themselves brought
together in an extremely interesting exhibition because it contrasts points of view, stimulates
dialogue, preserves individuality without compromising the symbolic exchange between the
exhibited works. An exhibition in which the game between seeing and thinking remains suspended,
captures the visitor who is invited on an initiatory journey into art, its images, its eternal references
to what cannot be seen but which is there through artists and their works.
Paolo Cervi Kervischer created a series of works in the 1980s in which one senses an atmosphere of
anticipation of an event that could happen at any moment. Something explosive and sensational. His
pictorial eclecticism has never placed him definitively within a figurative or informal trend. He
works by measuring archetypes such as water and fire with his own personal history, in a
continuous exchange of inexhaustible expressive research. His choice is rather to oscillate in an
expressive freedom without margins or fences. His gestural painting rediscovers myths and
memories without sinking into quotation, but giving a vital impulse to a painting that becomes the
Luigi Tolotti’s work sees the confluence of different image techniques taken from the media world
or even from his own personal family history. His works therefore become superpositions of images
in which unusual and surprising associations are hidden, a wolf can hide Joyce, a Christ by Giotto
instead a pop singer, as in “Cantica XXI” dedicated to Dante. Tolotti stages an eternal present in
which the icon-images are signs that develop in a dizzying way, while each one always retains its
own identity. Each image contains others, the effect of the colored LEDs makes the individual
frames appear or disappear, in an immersive combination to which a dedicated sound also
Manuela Sedmach searches for depth within the pictorial surface by working on dozens of layers of
paint and distancing herself from color. She herself stated: “In the 1980s, painting was done from
the canvas up, now it starts from the canvas and goes in depth.” The exhibition features works from
the last 15 years in a selection particularly attentive to provoking comparisons and shifts in her
poetics. The whites and grays mark the search for a light that covers and reveals the world around
us at the same time. A poetry of the gaze that does not reject figuration, but exalts it by raising the
threshold of perception. Each painting is a slow construction into which the gaze must penetrate to
dialogue with the painting.

Exhibition opening 31 July 2021 at 6:00 pm
The exhibition will be open from 1° August to 12 September 2021 with the following hours:
from Thursday to Sunday 5:00 pm -8:00 pm
Free entrance